How to pray through your Commitment
We recommend using a structured prayer process to seek God’s will and gain clarity for God’s direction.
Whether you pray where you are, take a personal retreat, and/or join us for the prayer vigil, we hope the guidance below helps you to discern where and how God is asking you to make an impact.
Ways to Pray
Thank you for praying through your commitment. If you have the time, you may want to consider a personal retreat. Retreats are a great way to reconnect with God and open yourself up to where he is directing you.
Or sign up to join us for our dawn-to-dusk (7am-7pm) prayer vigil on September 11 & 12.
Pray Where You Are – Five Steps
1. Set aside some time to pray. Find a quiet place and avoid the use of music or any other distraction.
- If you want to pray where you are and you are not used to structured prayer time, there are helpful models you can use. One of them uses the acronym ACTS. (There are more models available on our prayer resources page.
A – Adoration: praising God for who He is
C – Confession: owning our sins
T – Thanksgiving: thanking God for all he has done
S – Supplication: prayers of request for ourselves and others.
Beginning with Adoration, Confession, & Thanksgiving can help attune your heart and mind to listen when you begin your prayers of request. As you begin your prayer of Supplication, we encourage you to pray for both Pathfinder Church as well as your personal prayers.
2. Pray for Pathfinder Four Ministry Targets
- Increase outside awareness of our ministry.
- Ask God to help us be a beacon of what’s RIGHT in the world.
- Show us ways to build positive rapport through serve initiatives like Prosper the City, Missions Week, and more.
- Show us how to use our online platform as a way to extend our reach.
- Show us how to reach a more diverse audience in a changing West County.
- Show us how to address the age gap (18-30).
- Show us how St. John School can be an opportunity to reach the people of West County.
- Increase outside awareness of our ministry.
- Continue wise technology investments.
- Ask God to help us to continue to use technology to reach those who need to know the love of Jesus.
- Continue wise technology investments.
- Steward our aging campus infrastructure.
- Our campus is our largest financial asset, we must ask God to help us to steward it by investing in aging infrastructure as it comes of age. Ask God to supply our needs and to protect our campus.
- Steward our aging campus infrastructure.
- Focus our ministry on the “Whole Life” of Jesus.
- Ask God to help us to be a place that not only offers a great weekend ministry experience, but that offers a place where anyone seeking a whole life can come and find it here so that more people can be introduced to Jesus, the author of whole life.
- Focus our ministry on the “Whole Life” of Jesus.
3. Pray for the role God wants you to play. Ask God questions such as:
- “Who are the people that I see every day that need to know the love of Jesus?”
- “What gifts has God given me that I can use to serve others?”
- “Is it time for me to take a step on my Generosity Journey?”
- “Is there anything holding me back from making a commitment?”
4. Take time to listen. Ask God a final question:
- “What role do you want me to play in the next two years, as a SERVANT and as a GIVER?”
- As you put your questions before God, it may be helpful to do the following:
- Write down any impressions in a journal or notebook.
- Make sure to follow any promptings to throw open your bible and read what’s on the page or pursue a specific scripture reference God brings to mind.
- Simply make yourself available to listen.
- If you perceive that God is prompting you, it can be helpful to ask him for confirmation that you have heard him correctly.
- Before you finish, stop one more time and ask God, “Is there anything else you want to say to me today? I’m trying to give you my attention; help me hear you if there’s anything else you want to speak into my life.”
5. Close with a prayer of thanksgiving.
- Then ask God to give you the courage to make your commitment, trusting that he will be faithful to supply your needs as you choose to take a step on your generosity journey.
How to Make Your Commitment
When you have made your plan, a pledge can be made in person on September 11-12 or anytime online.
Are you in need of prayer?
Our staff and church would be honored to pray for you.