We believe God has called each one of us to live bold and courageous lives of faith. To do that, we must study His Word and pursue a deeper relationship with Him through prayer. Romans 12:11-12 says, “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”
Submit Your Prayer Request
If you would like to request prayer, please fill out the form. Most prayer requests are added to the prayer list. Please check back weekly for an updated list. If you would like for your request to run longer, please submit again after two weeks.
Prayer requests received after 11:00am on Wednesdays may not appear on the list for the coming weekend. Other than weddings, baptisms, sympathy, the chronically ill, and those actively serving in the military, we only publish first names.
Learn More About Prayer
Want to learn more about prayer? We have collected prayer models, guides and resources that can help you get started with prayer or enhance your prayer life.