April 21, 2024 | What’s Better than SECURITY?
Questions to dig deeper into this week’s topic:

  1. Think of a time or place when/where you’ve felt the most secure. Describe what security looks and feels like to you.
  2. This week’s message does not say that our dreams for security are wrong or bad, rather, that the way we think we’ll find security is the problem. How have you tried to gain a sense of security in your life? How has that worked out for you?
  3. Dion Garrett shared a lot of scripture references. Re-familiarize yourself with the following (although not all of them made it into his final draft). Write/speak a summary of what you think God wants you to take away and apply from each one:
    – Ecclesiastes 5:12
    – Luke 12:16-21
    – Proverbs 11:25
    – 2 Corinthians 9:6-8
    – Matthew 16:25
    – Romans 8:32
  4. Living generously may look bold, courageous, and risky, but by faith we know it’s actually the safest way to live. Ponder/discuss this truth.
  5. Dion closed talking about how God has created a generous universe & planet as a testimony to his abundance and an invitation to trust him with everything. Where do YOU see signs of God’s abundance as you look around our created world? What action do you feel inspired to take in light of these signs?

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