july 28, 2024 | FORWARD
Questions to dig deeper into this week’s topic:

  1. When have you experienced the truth, “Sometimes in order to go forward, you’ve got to go backward”?
  2. Read John 6:1-15, placing yourself in the company of Jesus’s disciples. Describe what you would be thinking leading up to the miracle, during it, and afterward.
  3. When you think about all the sweetness/goodness in your life (money & possessions, talents & abilities, money & time, etc.) where do you encounter the most scarcity—that is, which is hardest of your blessings to share?
  4. Conversely, think about a time when you shared something you had and ended up feeling richer for it.
  5. The Generosity Journey is a map to reassure us that when we pay our blessings forward, although it may feel like we’re going backward, we really do come out ahead in the end. Evaluate which step best describes where you are right now (Impulse—Intentional—Courageous—Fearless) and plan your next step to move forward.
  6. Note, the weekly challenge is to: Look for an opportunity to “pay it forward” at a drive-thru or a store.
    Detach yourself from the external results and notice instead what happens inside of you.
    But feel free to create any next step that makes the most sense for you.

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