FEBRUARY 2, 2024 | hope
Questions to dig deeper into this week’s topic:

  1. The pursuit of happiness isn’t as clear and obvious as we might expect. When’s a time that you discovered that something you really thought would make you happy, didn’t?
  2. In Luke 5:1-11, after the greatest career moment of their lives, Jesus calls four fishermen to leave everything behind and follow him. What would you require before making such a decision?
  3. Dion Garrett said that generosity is a non-negotiable for a follower of Jesus. Read Luke 9:23-26, do you agree or disagree?
  4. When you think of the 3 action steps from the weekend message, which do you need most:
    – Notice how well God has provided for you.
    – Trust that He’s steering you toward what’s good.
    – Try out generous living.
  5. What is the most generous act you’ve ever witnessed? What’s stopping you from doing something as generous in your own life?

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