MARCH 9, 2025 | The Draft Questions to dig deeper into this week’s topic:
Remember and share an audition or try-out story from some point in your life with another person. Invite them to share one of their own. What do you notice about these stories?
Dion Garrett shared three common responses to the question of “How did I make the team?” a) I earned the spot. b) I’m a legacy admission. c) Someone made a mistake!
Be honest; which is closest to your explanation of how you ended up a disciple of Jesus?
The 1st-century rabbinical and discipleship system was very competitive; only the best of the best were selected by rabbis to become disciples. Read Matthew 4:18-22. How was Jesus’s approach different? What light did this week’s message shed for you on just how different?
Dion’s message ended by sharing two responses we can have to being selected to be Jesus’s disciples (on his team): gratitude and confidence. Read 1 Corinthians 1:26-29, 1 Peter 2:9-10, Philippians 1:6, and John 15:16; how does each passage give you either greater gratitude that you’ve been chosen or greater confidence in Jesus, the coach, who chose you?
In reflecting on gratitude and confidence, which do you need more of right now? Ask God for it.