july 14, 2024 | thank
Questions to dig deeper into this week’s topic:

  1. How do you tend to feel when other people thank you for something? Awkward? Appreciative? Dismissive? Why do you think you have that response?
  2. Read the history of Jesus and the Ten Lepers Luke 17:11-19. Do you think you would have responded more like the Nine or more like the Lone Samaritan?
  3. The reality is, we’re all in the same position as these lepers; we receive abundant healing and blessing from God (Malachi 3:10b). Make a list of some significant gifts of God in your own life.
  4. Look again at that list. Who are the people who “mediated” God’s gifts to you? (e.g. a doctor/nurse who was the agent of God’s healing)
  5. Make a plan right now to express thanks—in writing—to several people who have blessed you: one a day for the next five days. You can write a text, or an email, or a physical card. Commit to expressing thanks as a rhythm that helps you find the full “wellness” that Jesus Christ wants you to have.

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