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Training | Dion Garrett

Mar 23, 2025

All the natural talent in the world isn’t enough, by itself, for an athlete to be competitive. They have to train, undergo conditioning, and hone t...

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Message Archive

Called Up


As Christ-followers, we’re not called to live on the sidelines of life. Jesus doesn’t ask his disciples to be benchwarmers of faith, but to courageously get in the game. In this series, we’ll look at the steps that all Christians are called to take in order to be championship-caliber teammates in the game that matters most for all the world.

Let's Unpack That


Four Bible words that mean more than you think. There are some words in the Bible that are so packed with meaning that we have a hard time appreciating how much they have to tell us. In particular, there are four words that are absolutely crucial to your relationship with God, and you probably know them, but how well do you KNOW them? Join us as we unpack four critically important and consistently misunderstood words in the Bible!

The Character Forge


Church is called a refuge for the weary, a hospital for the sick, or even a greenhouse for the growing. In this series, we’ll look at a forgotten purpose of church—a forge where we are shaped into people of character for the good of the world. Join us as we look beyond the birth narrative of Jesus to examine five character traits from his early story that just happen to be the traits our world needs from us most.

Stronger than Oak


We’re in the time of year where each night gets a little longer than the one before. As we ramp up into the holiday season, we expect to feel joy, peace, and gratitude, but all too often we’re overcome by stress, frustration, and despair. In these times, only the reassuring words of Jesus can cut through the noise and the pain. We can always count on the Word of God, Jesus made flesh, and His promises over our lives. If Jesus said it, we can rely on it! Here are eight promises of Jesus Christ, rock-solid guarantees that we can trust in all situations.

How to Lose an Enemy in 10 Days


Jesus tells his followers to do many hard things. But the hardest one of all might be when he commands us to “love our enemies” (Matthew 5:44). This is a counterintuitive instruction, and an ideal that seems nearly impossible. Yet this is not some pie-in-the-sky wishful thinking from Jesus. In fact, when Christians take the small, but important, steps to treat our enemies differently—we don’t just win the battles, but we actually lose the enemies!



Reclaiming Our Humanity in a High-Tech World Technology is always disruptive. Sometimes the disruptions are welcomed changes that make life safer and better; other times the changes leave us wondering if we were better off beforehand. Every generation has had to learn how to adapt when innovation changes their world, but these days, the rate of change and the level of advancement have disrupted nearly every part of what it means to be “human.” In this series, we’ll learn how to live in a changing world, while protecting the core of what makes us, us.

Reel Gospel 2


Reel Gospel 2: Unexpected Truths in Movies The most important and best story ever told is this: the “Gospel” of Jesus Christ, the God who became human to save the whole world! And all of our best human stories contain echoes of this divine truth. In this series, we’ll see how some popular movies contain an unexpected facet of the Gospel, and how these fictional stories can reveal important truths about the love of God.

When Life Gives You Lemonade


Life can be hard. Many of us have learned that when things are difficult, we have the power to take a bad situation and make the best of it—we can take life’s lemons and make them into lemonade. But what about when life gives you sweet lemonade itself? Why, even then, is it still so difficult to take in life’s sweet moments? In this series, we’ll help you live out of a deeper sense of gratitude by highlighting five simple steps you can take when life gives you lemonade.

Down to the Studs


Christianity is built on the foundation and frame Jesus gave us. In this series, we will explore how some of our biggest spiritual questions can only be answered by returning to the studs of our faith; the core tenets established by God. As we do so, you’ll discover the enduring principles that shape lives of faith, in all times and seasons.

Living the Dream


God has always dreamed bigger than we do. From the first time he told Abraham that his descendants would outnumber the stars in the universe, to elevating a shepherd boy to a king, to introducing the Savior of the world in a manger—God’s dreams are better than ours. But often, we resist God’s better vision until our own dreams fall to pieces around us. But God is always there to pick up the pieces of our shattered striving, and to graciously show us what we’d been missing all along. In this series, we’ll look at seven common dreams that all human beings have. We’ll see how those dreams ultimately fall short and do not satisfy. And we’ll see the dreams that God envisions for us instead, if we’ll trust him to build something new out of the ashes of our old dreams.

Knockoff Spirituality


While there is a steep decline in church attendance, our culture remains quite spiritually curious. Gurus, celebs, and influencers promote spiritual practices that are promised to bring health, prosperity, guidance, and peace into your life. On the surface some of these practices may look good to you, or maybe they’ve captured the attention of your friends and family. In this series we’ll learn more about what makes these practices powerless knockoffs, when compared to a single Christian spiritual practice that has the power to replace them all.

The All Y'all Doctrine


Jesus' final commission to his followers—as he ascended into heaven—was to share His good news with all the world. We naturally have a tendency to focus on the people who have the most in common with us, but Jesus Christ tells us that His community will include a shockingly diverse group of people. As C.S. Lewis said, “It takes all sorts to make a world; or a church. This may be even truer of a church. If grace perfects nature it must expand all our natures into the full richness of the diversity which God intended when He made them, and Heaven will display far more variety than Hell.” In this series, we’ll learn, from Jesus’ example, how to invite—and exist alongside—people of all ages, all nations, all values, and all stations.

Identity Inc.


We’re entering another New Year, the time when everyone is talking about how to create a better “YOU.” But before you dive into that frenzy, we’re going to pause and make sure you know who “you” are to begin with. When we try define ourselves by a single part of us, what we do for a living, what we’ve accomplished or failed at, who we love, and who loves us, we get an incomplete picture of who we are, but in this series, we’ll get back to the Biblical core of all the things that truly make up who we really are.

Full Color Christmas


“Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year!” Right? If we’re honest, not exactly. But from an early age, we are taught to keep our negative emotions out of Christmas, even though what we resist persists; it refuses to lie low. What if, in our attempts to keep the negatives at bay, we actually deepen our hurts and keep ourselves from experiencing the true Christmas story in full color? In this series, we’ll see the full range of human emotions present that first Christmas and learn how to embrace all our ups and downs to discover a deep and rich Christmas.

The Way Upstream


Lessons in Courage from Daniel In some ways, it was a blessing that Christianity enjoyed prominent cultural clout in the United States for most of the 20th century. But it had at least two major consequences: Christians forgot that the strength of Christianity is not contingent on its embrace by our culture, and it often led to complacency (and even heresy) on the part of comfortable Christianity. As Americans less frequently define themselves as Christians, it’s tempting for the Church to look back with longing for nostalgic, glory days of decades past. But that’s not what God’s people are ever encouraged to do. Instead, we’re encouraged to look for the “path forward” to revival, to see how God brings dead things to life again, and resurrects his people to power and glory. By looking at how Daniel lived as a believer in a pagan nation, we can learn a healthier, holier way forward. It requires us to be courageous and faithful. But rest assured, we’re walking in well-trod footsteps of the people of faith who have come before us!

Inspired: Stories of Life Change


A Life Less Lonely


It seems like we should have far more time and ability to live a connected life than ancient people. Technology means that we have more capacity to reach more people, even people all across the globe! We can physically and virtually travel anywhere. And yet, there is a widely-recognized loneliness epidemic in modern life. As the joke goes, Jesus’ greatest miracle was not walking on water, but having 12 close friends in his 30’s! Even though Jesus was constantly on the move, he knew how to prioritize the kinds of connections that would make life meaningful. In this series, we’ll learn from his example how to push back against the loneliness which is endemic in modern life.

Neighborhood Walk Weekend


Every year we designate one weekend to get out and prayer walk for our community. We won’t have any services that weekend–instead we encourage you to walk your neighborhood and pray for those around us.

Reel Gospel


Reel Gospel Seeing Jesus in Our Favorite Movies The most important and best story ever told is this: the “Gospel” of Jesus Christ, the God who became human to save the whole world! And all of our best human stories contain echoes of this divine truth. In this series, we’ll see how some popular movies contain an unexpected facet of the Gospel, and how these fictional stories can reveal important truths about the love of God.

I do not think...


I Do Not Think That Means What You Think It Means Have you ever realized that for a long time, you’ve been mispronouncing, misspelling, or misusing a word? What about God’s Word? Some of the most well-known verses in the Bible are also the most misunderstood! That may not seem like a huge deal, but some of these verses challenge our core idea of who God is and what He’s about. Join us as we circle back through scripture, and find out if our initial impressions check out, or if there’s more than meets the eye!

Beauty in the Mess


We are not supposed to be alone. God wants us to find blessing, love, support in a family system. But what does it mean to be a family? Far beyond the bonds of blood and DNA, Biblical families include not only our genetic relatives, but our spiritual brothers and sisters in faith. As most people know, family is messy. But with God’s guidance, there is beauty in the mess!