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Reel Gospel

Reel Gospel

Seeing Jesus in Our Favorite Movies

The most important and best story ever told is this: the “Gospel” of Jesus Christ, the God who became human to save the whole world! And all of our best human stories contain echoes of this divine truth. In this series, we’ll see how some popular movies contain an unexpected facet of the Gospel, and how these fictional stories can reveal important truths about the love of God.

Despicable Me

Aug 27, 2023

We’ve all heard that God loves us in spite of our sins. But that can create a misconception that God does not like us until we have changed for the better. What if that’s not actually true to the nature of God?

(Grace knows us for who we truly are, seeing to the core of us, and delights in us, for we are valuable in our own right, as children of God.)


Aug 20, 2023

Everyone knows that the best things in life cost something. It’s “fair” that I pay for benefits I receive, and others pay for theirs. But in a world of zero-sum resources, what is the ultimate cost of that mentality?

(Grace willingly, in love, pays the cost of saving others. It does not make others pay the cost. And the result is, unexpectedly, more blessings for everybody!)


Aug 13, 2023

It’s human nature to instinctively react to differences as “threatening.” Often we reserve our kindest impulses for those who are most like us.

(Grace is willing to become like the other, to change oneself for the sake of better connecting to someone else.)


Aug 6, 2023

There is only one power in the world that can truly change a person from the inside out. We can’t change others through hostility, force, or punishment of the Law.

(Grace sees and loves the heart, and doesn’t t hate others because of outward sins. Grace defeats enemies by turning them into beloved friends.)