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Living the Dream

God has always dreamed bigger than we do. From the first time he told Abraham that his descendants would outnumber the stars in the universe, to elevating a shepherd boy to a king, to introducing the Savior of the world in a manger—God’s dreams are better than ours. But often, we resist God’s better vision until our own dreams fall to pieces around us. But God is always there to pick up the pieces of our shattered striving, and to graciously show us what we’d been missing all along. In this series, we’ll look at seven common dreams that all human beings have. We’ll see how those dreams ultimately fall short and do not satisfy. And we’ll see the dreams that God envisions for us instead, if we’ll trust him to build something new out of the ashes of our old dreams.

What's Better than Fairness

May 12, 2024

Our earliest complaint as children, and our enduring value as adults, is that life should be fair. Everyone should get what they deserve. But is perfect fairness the highest good, is there something even better—something we all wish we had instead?

What's Better than Comfort?

May 5, 2024

It’s really nice to have comfortable things! A nice house, a quality car, constant access to the internet and our phones. The messaging of our culture says that comfort should be our ultimate goal—but is there something even better?

What's Better than Busy?

Apr 28, 2024

“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Our culture honors a good work ethic. It’s right to be diligent and work hard at what we do. And yet, this busy-ness becomes a taskmaster, demanding that we keep up the pace, in order to earn the good things in life.

What's Better than Security?

Apr 21, 2024

There are certain assets in life that obviously help smooth out our paths: money, power, resources, and talent. These are the powerful levers that help us feel secure in life. But the quest for security comes with costs, both for ourself and others. What is the better dream God would have us rely on?

What's Better than Independence?

Apr 14, 2024

It’s so good to be free. To be in control of your own life. To not have to do what anyone else tells you to do. And we often try to build a life that only depends on our own ability to be successful. But at what point does the “self-made” man need a little help? When does individualism begin to limit us?

What's Better than Being Invulnerable?

Apr 7, 2024

Being “unique” is a tricky dance. On the one hand, many of us would love to have extraordinary lives. On the other hand, very few of us want to be considered weird. How do we find a balance between making our mark and sticking out from the crowd, but also fitting in with the people you care about?

Easter 2024 - What’s Better than Getting our Dreams?

Mar 31, 2024

All of us have dreams for our lives, whether they be big or small. But dreams are tricky things. On the one hand, missing out on the life we’ve always wanted can lead to despair. On the other hand, as championship athletes can attest, succeeding at our dreams doesn’t necessarily bring life fulfillment, either. Is there a way to truly “live the dream” in a way that brings long-term life and joy?