Find What Inspires You

Short-term mission trips connect people to life changing experiences, transforming the servant and the served.

Live Life Differently

Following Christ with our time and service can be hard, especially when the world tells us there are many other actions and activities worthy of our time.  If you choose to live differently than the world around you; if you know it is time to take this step, to be challenged and pushed outside of your comfort zone physically and spiritually; if God is calling you to live differently, you will find incredible blessing and growth in the experience of a short term mission trip. God will transform not only your life, but the lives of the people you connect with and serve.

Help Our Missions Team Fundraise!

Do you have some odd jobs around your house/yard/property you need some assistance with? We have team members who would love to help you out! In preparation for serving communities abroad, our team also wants to serve YOU and fundraise their way to their destination. Use the link below to submit your job, and our Missions Team will reach out to you!

Leave Your Missional Footprint
Short-Term Mission Opportunities

Amigos for Christ, Nicaragua | September 7-14, 2024
This team is closed.
Applicants must be 10+ (with a parent) or 18+ (without a parent)

Traveling to Chinandega, Nicaragua, and serving alongside communities that are investing in their children and future is an incredible way to expand your worldview, grow in faith, and experience the way God desires us to live differently.

submit interest form

Stronghold Cambodia | Tentative dates are February 6-19, 2025
Please submit your interest for the 2024 trip below. Applications are open!
Applicants must be 18+.

When we travel to Cambodia and serve alongside the staff and missionaries at Stronghold, the mission and families will grab ahold of your heart and inspire you like never before.
Our partnership with Stronghold began with a trip to Cambodia to discover how we could invest in the next generation of Cambodia. More than a decade later Stronghold is on the cusp of building a permanent home where students come to be nourished spiritually, mentally, and physically.

submit interest form

For any questions, please contact Rachel Hinz at [email protected]

Where We’ve Gone


Stronghold Cambodia Mission Trip

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Only 2% of all Cambodians are Christian. Stronghold Cambodia has been our partner since 2014.  Stronghold thrives in a small fishing community in Kampot, Cambodia where it serves the children and families through teaching about Jesus, and education that will set up the children for success in their futures.  When our church was first introduced to the need in Cambodia for the Christian faith and the truth of Jesus love we knew that God was building something incredible that we were going to be a part of.

Our short term mission teams have traditionally gone to Cambodia early in the year (February) and spent time immersed in the culture and helping out the Stronghold staff and missionaries with classes or projects around the property, educated ourselves on the day to day lives of the people in the community and pitched in for programs and retreats that need extra hands.

Stronghold Cambodia is in the middle of a capital campaign called ‘Sowing Seeds of Faith’ as they raise money to build a permanent home in the community of Fish Island.


Amigos for Christ Mission Trip

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Our mission partner in Chinandega, Nicaragua ‘Amigos for Christ’ is a 20 year old organization that has grown and adapted to embody mission work at it’s finest.  With the foundation of empowering the members of local communities to lead and take ownership of their own future, creating sustainable change and resting on the love of Jesus you won’t find a better example of growth than what is happening in the villages around Chinandega.

Amigos for Christ works hard to tailor trips to participants interests and activity levels while still pushing people out of their comfort zones and into exciting experiences like climbing a 2,400 foot volcano (then going back down); helping a family dig a water pipeline, or well; planting 2,000 pitaya (dragon fruit) plants; and pitching in around the property to help make the week a cohesive relational mission trip of a lifetime.

Midwest Disaster Response

Disaster Response Mission Trip

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Natural disasters disrupt life in unfathomable ways and can bring hopelessness along with the physical destruction.

The annual Disaster Response trip has been one of the most faith based trust exercises one can find.  Every year there are numerous natural disasters around the Midwest, and we seek out the opportunities to go and help out in whatever way is necessary.  The catch is, sometimes we don’t know where we will be needed until a few weeks out, and once you get there, there is usually a lot of chaos and the need for clarification and communication.

What never fails is the team ends up EXACTLY where and with who God wants/needs us to be. The path to get there can stretch patience and the needs to feel well prepared, but at the end of the trip when you are saying goodbye to a family that you worked side by side with and prayed over you will see how God uses each of us to our maximum ability and transforms our lives and the lives around us.


Wind River Reservation Mission Trip

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The reservation at Wind River features beautiful landscapes and the rich culture and tradition of the Shoshoni and Arapahoe tribes. Behind the tourist attractions and breathtaking views lurks pain, addiction and a brokenness that only Jesus can reconcile. We have partnered with the Wind River Lutheran Mission to bring hope, encouragement, and fun back to the lives of the kids that so often get neglected.

Bringing joy to a child’s life, seeking to understand and reconcile differences in our very own country and investing in those who are consistently investing in others has been the recipe for the mission trip to Wind River, Wyoming.

High School Trip

The High School mission trip focuses on expanding the world view of our students and helping to develop empathy and the ability to share faith not only verbally but also through selfless actions and immersion into the culture and area of service.  Whether it’s New York, LA, Portland, OR or our very own St Louis, there is brokenness everywhere that our students can lean into to aid in the healing process for others and growth for themselves.

Questions about going on a short-term mission trip?