Pathfinder Church’s amped-up, week-long, half-day kids camp!

SAVE THE DATE: June 16-20, 2025 | 9:00am-12:00pm daily
Registration opens April 1!

Kids ages four through 5th grade will learn how actions speak louder than words when they attend Live It Out Summer Blast 2025! From high-energy stage productions, to engaging Bible stories, games, crafts, and more–your kids will LOVE Summer Blast! Kids will be transformed by learning to use their gifts of service, kindness, forgiveness, prayer, and community to show Jesus’ love to others. Come and see how fun it is to know Jesus, live a life with him, and love others the way he teaches us to love!

We hope you’ll join us for this week-long, totally kicked-up Pathfinder-style week of Vacation Bible School (VBS) like you’ve never seen before!

Kids 4 years old (by July 31, 2025) through 5th grade (Fall 2025)

$75/child ($225 family maximum)

Get Involved!

Join us for the best week of the Summer by attending or serving!

Volunteer Registration

Serve at Summer Blast and make a difference! Opportunities include crafts, games, teaching, and support roles. Check the linked document for volunteer position descriptions and find where you can help.

Volunteer registration for 6th and 7th graders is FULL. Limited space for 8th-12th graders. Thank you for your understanding!

We offer free childcare for kids of volunteers who are too young to attend Summer Blast. 

View Volunteer Positions

Register To Volunteer

Crew Leaders

Crew Leader registration is FULL, and we are no longer taking a waitlist. Thank you in advance for your understanding!

Participant Registration Opens April 1, 2025!

Your kids will experience an energetic, high-production yet biblically focused, welcoming environment. They’ll build community with friends and make new ones through fun music, skits, interactive Bible stories, and creative science and craft lessons.

For more information don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Summer Blast Team at [email protected].


For all things Summer Blast, email [email protected] or call 636-394-4100 ext. 829.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Summer Blast? +

A weeklong, half-day kids camp! Kids ages 4 years through 5th grade (in the coming Fall) will experience a high-production yet biblically focused, welcoming environment. They’ll build community with friends and make new ones through fun music, skits, interactive Bible stories, and creative science and craft lessons. 

Can I have my child placed in the same crew with their friend? +

Yes. If your child would like to be placed in a group with one friend, please indicate the friend request when registering your child online. We will place a maximum of 2 friends together in the same group, your child plus their one friend. 

What if my child and their friend/s are not in the same grade? Can they still be in the same crew? +

Friends of different grade levels can be placed together if there is a grade level difference of only one year. Both children will be placed in the younger of the two grade levels. Example: a 2nd and 3rd grade friend can be placed together in a 2nd grade crew. 

What if I do not wish to register online? +

We are only taking online registrations.

How do I know where to drop off my child? +

A welcome letter will be sent in June that will include your child’s drop-off and pick-up location. Participants should be walked to their drop-off location by an adult each day. We encourage you to drop off your youngest child first. 

What are the pick-up procedures? +

For the safety of all children, pick-up information will be required for each child each day. Bring your pick-up letter or a photo of it and pick up your child in the same location where you dropped them off. 

What if someone else will be picking up my child? +

Please give them a pick-up letter or text them a photo of the letter. If they will not have a pick-up letter, advanced notice from the parent will be required and the pick-up person will need to show a photo ID. Email [email protected] to communicate pick-up plan. 

What if I lost my child’s pick-up letter or forget to bring it with me? +

ANYONE without a pick-up letter, including parents, will be required to show a photo ID to Summer Blast staff at the Information Station in the Sanctuary lobby or to a Pre-K/Kindergarten Hallway Summer Blast Staff Director

What if I need to pick up my child early on one of the Summer Blast days? +

Bring your pick-up letter or photo of it to the Information Station in the Sanctuary Lobby or Pre-K/Kindergarten Hallway. Summer Blast staff will retrieve your child for you. 

What measures do you have in place to ensure the safety of participants? +

Safety is a top priority for us at Pathfinder Summer Blast.

  • All adults involved in Summer Blast are background-checked.
  • All Summer Blast staff are identified with volunteer t-shirts and name badges.
  • Summer Blast staff are trained in emergency procedures.
  • Hall monitors are stationed throughout the campus.
  • Schedule tracking allows Summer Blast staff to locate a child at any time during the week.
  • Each participant grade level is identified with its own Summer Blast t-shirt color.
  • A registered nurse is on-site at the First Aid station. 
What if my child becomes sick or is injured while they are at Summer Blast? +

An adult Summer Blast staff member will assist crew leaders with sick or injured children. A registered nurse will be on duty each day during Summer Blast hours to assist with any of these needs. Please make sure that we have accurate emergency contact information. 

What if my child has a food allergy or medical condition? +

Please provide all the details on the registration. This information will be kept confidential and only shared as needed with those who have direct contact with your child. All snacks are nut-free. As a precaution, children with food allergies are given an allergy wristband to wear. Medical conditions will be indicated on the wristband as well. 

What if my child has a special need? +

Please provide all the details on the registration. This information will be kept confidential and only shared as needed with those who have direct contact with your child. Someone from our Care Team will contact you to discuss and coordinate needs for your child’s week at Summer Blast. 

How can I help my child be prepared for a fun Summer Blast experience? +

Joining us for the Summer Blast adventure at Pathfinder is an awesome experience. Fuel your child in the morning with a good breakfast and have them dress appropriately in close-toed shoes for lots of fun and sometimes messy play. We suggest that young pre-k/Kindergarten children come with a bag containing an extra clothing set. Children will be outside each day for approximately 25 minutes. Sunscreen should be applied prior to drop-off. 

Can I take pictures and/or record video at Summer Blast? +

Due to privacy issues, posting pictures or videos of anyone other than your own child on social media is not allowed; this includes Summer Blast participants, staff, and volunteers.