Event Details


Julie Lorenz
(314) 602-2228

Date & Time

Sunday, April 6, 2025 @ 11:00 AM


Pathfinder Campus


Registration closes on Saturday, April 5, 2025


Baptism Orientation for Parents

Baptism is a special gift from God where God gives us a new identity in him and makes his everlasting promises to us. As parents, you will become the single most important figures in the LIFEjourney that follows after your child's baptism. And we want to help you guide them on that journey. Whether you are expecting a child, ready to schedule a baptism for your child, or just have questions about baptizing infants and children, join us for the next Baptism orientation.

During this one-hour orientation, you will receive information on what the Bible has to say about baptism, leading your child on their spiritual LIFEjourney, and parent resources that are available.

Your child(ren) is invited to experience our engaging Kids Min or nursery during the orientation. Infants are always welcome at the orientation.


Looking for Baptism for Students and Adults?

In baptism, God pours out His grace and His Spirit on us. "…so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life." (Titus 3:7) This day comes at a different time for each of us. Every life is a journey and your baptism day begins a new chapter. If you want to know more about baptism or are ready to take this incredible step on the Whole Life journey, please email Julie or call her at 636.779.2343 to set up an appointment to talk.

You can find out more information about Baptism at Pathfinder HERE.
