Event Details


Julie Lorenz
(314) 602-2228

Date & Time

Sunday, March 30, 2025 @ 10:30 AM


Pathfinder Campus


Registration closes on Sunday, March 30, 2025


Pop-Up: Estate & Planned Giving

Do you need to create or update your will? Are you interested in writing a Christian preamble, or blessing Pathfinder through planned giving? Estate planning is an important tool for stewarding our resources and caring for our families. If you want to understand the process, options, and documentation of estate planning, come join us!

Erich Faulstich of the LCMS Foundation will present on the many facets of estate planning, such as wills, power of attorney, creating a Christian preamble, the impact of tax laws, and how to maximize your assets to provide for your family while also maximizing your generosity to the organizations and ministries that you care about. The LCMS foundation provides free consulting services, in order to help more people meet their financial, estate, and generosity goals. Come learn more, gain greater confidence around the process, and how to take your next steps. 

 10:30 am - 12:00 noon

Pathfinder Church - Commons West

This event is free.

Contact Julie at [email protected] with questions.
