
Baptism at Pathfinder

Through the gift of Baptism, we receive a brand-new identity as God’s own child. In Baptism, he pours out his grace and his Spirit on us. “…so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.” (Titus 3:7). This day comes at different times for each of us, so we offer Baptism for all ages, from infants to adults. God’s promises are for everyone!

If you are ready to learn more about this incredible step for you or your child, follow the instructions below.


Baptism for Adults & Teens

If you or your teen is interested in Baptism, we would love to talk to you about this exciting step. A Pathfinder Staff member will meet with you to answer questions and help you prepare for your Baptism.

For more info or to schedule an appointment, please contact Julie Lorenz at (626) 779-2343 or [email protected]

Baptism for Infants and Children

The first step in having your infant or child Baptized is to attend the Baptism Orientation for Parents. Baptism is just the beginning of your child’s spiritual journey, and as parents, you are the most important figure in the path that follows your child’s Baptism. And we want to help you guide their steps. During this one-hour orientation, you’ll hear what the Bible says about Baptism and learn more about leading your child on their spiritual journey and the available parent resources. Plus, your child will receive a special gift: A Bible designed for them. The orientation is also a great way to connect with other Pathfinder families.  

The Baptism Orientation is typically offered once a month during the 11:00 AM Worship Service. Your child is invited to experience our engaging Kids Min or nursery during the orientation. Infants are always welcome at the orientation.

Upcoming Baptism Events

Baptism Orientation for Parents

Apr 06

11:00 AM

Baptism Orientation for Parents

May 04

11:00 AM

Baptism Orientation for Parents

Jun 08

11:00 AM